A Low Carb Peanut Butter Smoothie that will Blow Your Mind!
3:03 PMWhen you're living the low carb life, there are definitely some things you miss. For me, it's ice cream. It doesn't help that it's summer now, and the sun is beating down on us without mercy. It just makes me crave the sweet stuff even more. So what do I do? I turn to Pinterest. (Duh!)
*this post contains an affiliate link, It's for my sweet smoothie maker because it actually chops ice.*
I implored Pinterest to provide me with some sort of low-carb reprieve from my insistent craving. Guess what? It did not disappoint. I found a few recipes that claimed to be like ice cream, but they called for MANY, MANY ingredients and an ice cream machine. I don't have one of those. I found ice cream you make out of frozen bananas. I'm not the world's biggest fan of bananas, so those were out.
Then I found a recipe that looked promising but had a few weird ingredients, but I figured I could substitute them or just leave them out and see what happened. (Like ya do.) This is the end result of my tweaking, and it's glorious. It is freezy cold and rich tasting like a peanut butter ice cream blizzard, AND it fits in the low carb category. Amazing! I can't even tell you how much I love these.
Recipe time!
1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 tsp. liquid sugar substitute (I use Walmart's generic Stevia, because CHEAP.
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 tsp cocoa powder
4-5 ice cubes
That's it! Throw it all in your smoothie blender and eat immediately. All of it. You won't be sorry.
Before when I mentioned the blender? You need this Hamilton Beach one because 1. CHOPS ICE and 2. CHEAP! (I don't like spending money. Can you tell?) Now go ENJOY YOUR SMOOTHIE.