Our New Home!

2:14 PM

BIG NEWS ALERT! For those of you who aren't in the know yet, my husband and I are buying and moving into our new home this summer. The official moving date is sometime in July, but we will be visiting it every other weekend to start remodeling and doing DIY projects. How are we so easily able to visit and already start work before we move? Here's how: It's my childhood home, and my mom is still living there!

Until she can find a suitable place to downsize to, mom will stay with us. She can help us with babysitting, and we can help her organize, move, plus have a giant garage sale before she leaves. Win win!

An important note that I want to add - not only is this the house where I was born and grew up, my dad helped build the house himself back in 1971! So not only am I super excited that I'll be able to keep the house in the family, but also continue the tradition of putting our own blood, sweat, and tears into it. What's a remodel and DIY project without a few tears? Knowing us, there will definitely be blood.

So an introduction to the house: It can go by several names: Raised ranch, split level, bi-level ... whichever you choose to call it, it's pure 1970's nostalgia. Not that it hasn't already been updated over the years, but those are the bones we have to work with. Here it is in all its rectangular glory ...

So, there are things to do, and it all starts tomorrow when we visit for one of our first project-heavy weekends. First up, painting the wood paneling in the basement! 

I'm also pinning ideas like mad on my Pinterest board - Split Level Remodel.

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